Professional training solutions for First Responders & Municipal and Corporate Leaders


From building media and community relationships to learning how to lead your agency effectively, ProResponder specializes in practical, effective and affordable training solutions.


Need personalized help through your situation?  ProResponder can listen to your needs and act as a trusted advisor.  From building an effective P.I.O. team to helping you meet specific challenges, ProResponder is here to help you.


When you feel as though you’re under attack, it can help to get an objective, outside opinion.  ProResponder can help you think through the challenges unique to your agency, especially when it counts the most.  Call us today for a free consultation.


Training Shouldn’t Be Boring

In-service training shouldn’t be a struggle to stay awake.  Our instructors will keep you engaged, informed and even a little bit entertained.  Our courses are designed to help you become the best you can be.  We’ll also have some fun along the way.

ProResponder wants to say “thank you” to the men and women who serve our communities.  That’s why we donate a portion of the proceeds from EVERY class we fill to support first responders and their families.  When you sign up for one of our courses, you’re joining us in showing our appreciation.


“We keep the training clear, relevant and up to date.  Our goal is to make sure the things you learn in our courses are immediately useful in your organization. ”

James Senegal - ProResponder Training & Consulting

Six Keys to Public Relationships

KNOW Your Identity

Media Relationships start with knowing who YOU are and what YOU do. Everything hangs on this framework. You are the leader. If you don’t know what you’re all about, how can you expect other people to understand? Relationships with the public and the media have to start here.

KNOW Your Audience

From the public you serve to the political leaders you answer to, you must understand who your audience is, and how to talk to them. Different audiences have different needs and will process the information you give them in different ways. Knowing what your audience needs is important.

KNOW Your Message

What is the most important thing you want your audience to hear? How do you say it in a way people are sure to understand? These are the crucial questions when it comes to your KEY message. Building the right message requires time, thought and discipline.

The Media Landscape

Social, digital, broadcast or print, one of the most efficient ways to communicate with the public is through the media. But there are dozens of different KINDS of media. It’s important to understand how to work with different media outlets to make sure you deliver your KEY message.

Build a Plan

You have plans and procedures for countless aspects of your operation. Why not in media and public relations? Preparation is crucial. You need to develop your system BEFORE you need it. And you need to get the training necessary so that, when the time comes, you’re prepared.

It’s About Relationships

To serve the public well, you need a relationship of trust. That must be built over time.  Investing in relationships with members of the media, local leaders and citizens in your community pays off. You can count on those relationships when you need them. But when you need them, it’s too late to start building them.


ProResponder Training & Consulting is ready to help you prepare to engage your community. To find out more about our courses, or to get information about a consultation, please fill out the form to the right. We’re looking forward to meeting you.